What is Benzoyl Peroxide and how will it help my acne?

At Gabriel Correctives, we have a Therapeutic/Clinical Acne line with products that contain Benzoyl Peroxide.

What is Benzoyl Peroxide?

Benzoyl Peroxide is the best key ingredient to target acne bacteria. It is an antibacterial ingredient used to treat mild, moderate and severe acne.

How does Benzoyl Peroxide Work?

Benzoyl Peroxide creates an oxygen rich environment to essentially suffocate acne causing bacteria. Acne can not survive in oxygen. Benzoyl Peroxide does to acne what Hydrogen Peroxide does to cuts and abrasions. However, we do not use Hydrogen Peroxide in skincare because is kills surrounding living tissue.

Not only does Benzoyl Peroxide kill acne causing bacteria, it also clears clogged pores clearing stubborn blackheads and whiteheads. It also has anti-inflammatory properties to reduce redness.

Beginners Guide to Benzoyl Peroxide:

At first Benzoyl Peroxide products can be drying and potentially irritating. This does not technically mean you need to discontinue use of the product. If you ease in and use the product correctly and consistently, the dryness will subside.


Different types of acne and its Causes